I Breath In The Writing
My personal views on my connection with writing.
I live in art. I don’t just love it; I exist in it. I worship it. If I am still living, it’s only because of the art that I create; Writing. Whenever I think the earth is not worth living in, I look at myself and I realize that this life is a chance to practice what I love. Writing puts my soul on fire. I don’t want to just live while writing. I also want to die while writing. Writing is the greatest thing that I do for myself. Writing is the greatest thing through which I want to leave my mark in the world. So I do it and I will keep doing it. Writing is not my hobby, it is my life. It is my lifelong fascination. It is my darling.
Writing is what I dream of, writing is what I wish for. Writing is my greatest companion. It gives me peace, satisfaction, a long-lasting joy. I don’t want to live without writing; I live for writing. I admire writing and writing is with me every time. Writing loves me and lives in me. I feel I have a sea of words inside me, waiting to come out. Writing is the most precious thing for me. It is how I express myself. It is how I reveal many aspects of myself that I cannot through any other means.
I write for the sheer devotion of it. I cannot imagine a world where writing or the ability to write doesn’t exist. When I don’t write, I feel I am not doing something important. Something worthy, by the way. Writing is so dear to me. It is always close to my heart, lost in my soul.