What’s Special In This Picture?
Our strength lies in connection!
Before some days I saw the above picture on Twitter. I am not a Trump fan but this picture captured my attention, and so I opened it. It was shared by a woman who told that it’s the image of a painting, and this piece of art is present in her parent's home who love Trump.
This photo affected me and it melted my heart. The more I saw it the more emotional I felt, and it made me cry. I thought I should write about this picture because it shares a very heart touching beautiful message. It highlights and reveals the reality of our human society, it shows us that our strength comes from the people around us, from those who believe in us and support us. It doesn’t matter how strong we think we are, we always need each other.
People who hold us and don’t let us down are the source of our power, they are the ones who encourage us. When somebody stands with us and shows us that we matter this is when we feel confident about ourselves. Each one of us needs the people who can hold our hands in times of stress and darkness. I believe we all should learn to build meaningful connections so that we can serve one another in times of need. And we should accept that alone we are not enough, without helpers and those who heal us.